I’m Janette Owens, Founder of and your go-to for Be Inspired For Real.
Here’s a quick Q&A about me:
My favorite book is The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
My #1 comfort food is french fries
My drink order is an herbal tea with a lavender/lemon blend or plain old H20.
The thing I love to do most is to read.
One thing people don’t know about me is that I love historical romance novels.
My most used emoji is the heart.
The last thing I binge-watched was Netflix Ozark.
My dream holiday would be a month-long tour of the Mediterranean Sea islands.
The person who inspires me the most is my grandmother. She always looked for (and saw) the good in people, no matter how flawed they were. She loved everyone and always offered words of encouragement and Scriptures, and she never met a stranger.
Now I’d love to meet you. Introduce yourself in the comments!
P.S. Here's what it's like to get into "inspiration-mode" at Be Inspired For Real. Aren't they the cutest?
