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One Of God's Miracles

Writer: Sister Lou Ella Hickman, OVISSSister Lou Ella Hickman, OVISS

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

"Every cubic inch of space is a miracle," wrote the poet Walt Whitman. In that space, miracles upon miracles occur. Babies are born, people walk away unhurt from their car totaled in an accident, a cure for a disease is discovered, family members reconcile. Mine is a small, published book of poems.

The Miracle Begins

Some years ago, I answered Tom Lombardo's call for submissions for his grief-themed poetry anthology. While Tom is the poetry editor for Press 53, he had decided to publish his anthology. My poem was accepted, and when I received my author's copies with a press release, I decided to help market the book.

After I made a contact, I would email Tom to let him know who might be requesting a copy. At one point, I called him so he would have a voice to a name. As we talked, he asked, "Sister, have you published a book, or are you working on a manuscript?" I told him I was planning to send him my manuscript of some twenty poems that give voice to some of the women of the Bible sometime in the future. Excited, he asked, "Could you send them now?"

Thus began the miracle of the book. The fact my manuscript was later accepted was indeed the beginning of the miracle, as I remember reading a quote about publishing poetry at that time: "Getting a book of poems published is like dropping a rose petal in the Grand Canyon."

After some sixty additional poems completed the manuscript, a cover was needed. That, too, was part of the miracle. One of my community Sisters displayed several of her women of color portraits in our dining room. I stood there, looking. Suddenly, a possibility took hold, and I left to call Tom. "Could we use a few to illustrate the poems?" Unfortunately, that would not be possible due to the type of paper used. Then, a long pause. "Perhaps we could use one for a cover. Ask the Sister to email me several photographs." Again, an acceptance thanks to Sister Marylin Springs.

The Miracle Books is Launched

she: robed and wordless was launched on September 1, 2015. Then, my marketing began—visiting various women's groups to share "my ladies" with a reading and time for discussion. I often asked, "Who is your favorite woman in Scripture?" Frequently, she would be one of numerous women who graced my book. Other times, I would share poems about lesser-known women, such as Rizpah. She guarded her sons' executed bodies from wild animals and did so until King David gave them a proper burial.

The Miracle Goes to the Next Level

Fast forward to January 2021 when my publisher, Kevin Watson, emailed me. James Lee III had contacted him seeking permission to use several of my poems as lyrics for a piece of music he had been commissioned to write. Y92 in New York City has long been inviting well-known writers, poets, and musicians to share their talents with New York audiences. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, a limited live audience was allowed to attend the performance on May 11.2021, which included "Chavah's Daughters Speak." (Chavah is the Hebrew name for Eve.)

Thanks to technology, the concert was also live-streamed. The performers are among the elite musical artists. The soloist was Susanna Phillips, Metropolitan opera star; Anthony McGill, principal clarinetist for the New York Philharmonic; and Myra Huang, two-time Grammy nominee and pianist.

The miracle continued with an email from David Murray, Editor and Publishing Manager of Subito Music Corporation. (David's company publishes James's music.) He told me a concert was scheduled for Cleveland, Ohio, on March 28, 2023. God smiled; I was able to attend. Immediately after the concert, I met the trio: Anthony, and Myra and Elena Perroni, soloist. Susanna, who was scheduled to perform, could not attend due to a health issue.

As we posed for a photograph, I told Anthony, "I understand I have you to thank for this concert." I could have died and gone to heaven on the spot when he responded, "I really like tonight's program. It's one of my favorites."

The Miracle of the Book Keeps Miracling

Another concert was held at Washington Irving High School (New York) on April 1, 2023, and another in Dallas, Texas, on December 11, 2023. There's even more to this miracle. A concert was on January 24 (Sponsored by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Chamber Music Society), another was in Sanibel, Florida (Sponsored by Big Arts), and just days later, it was on the 28th at Clayton University. (Morrow, Georgia). God's timing is always perfect, as both concerts were held just days before my 75th birthday.



Every cube of space is indeed a miracle, my small, published book of poems included. Lines from the First Letter of St. John, my favorite verses in the New Testament, describe for me the greatest miracle: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God. . .". I, a child of God, experienced that love in a miracle with an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) number attached. Every book that is published is assigned an identifying number. The R. R. Bowker Agency is the issuing company in the United States.


Sister Lou Ella Hickman, OVISS is a former teacher and librarian whose writings have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. Press 53 published her first book of poetry in 2015 entitled she: robed and wordless. She was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2017 and in 2020.

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