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Reconnecting with Your High School Crush: Yay or Nay?

Writer: Janette OwensJanette Owens

Two people riding bicycles.

Ah, high school crushes! The memories of stolen glances, secret admirations, and dreamy fantasies still linger in our minds. But what would happen if you could reconnect with your high school crush? Would you prefer a platonic friendship, a romantic relationship, a spiritual connection, an emotional bond, or perhaps a combination of them all?

There are different levels of connection, and we invite you to participate in a poll to share your thoughts and preferences.

1. Platonic Connection:

Sometimes, reigniting a connection with a high school crush can lead to a beautiful platonic friendship. Catching up over coffee, sharing life stories, and offering support can create a bond that transcends the romantic realm. Platonic connections can be fulfilling, offering companionship, understanding, and shared interests without the complexities of romantic involvement.

2. Romantic Relationship:

Perhaps the sparks of young love never truly faded, and you've always wondered what could have been. Rekindling a romantic relationship with your high school crush can be an exciting and passionate journey. Exploring shared interests, creating new memories, and building a solid foundation based on mutual love and attraction can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful relationship.

3. Spiritual Connection:

Sometimes, the connection with a high school crush goes beyond the physical realm and taps into something more profound. A spiritual connection can involve shared beliefs, values, and a sense of purpose. It can manifest as a deep understanding and compatibility on a spiritual level, fostering growth and a sense of higher meaning in life.

4. Emotional Bond:

Emotional connections can be profound, allowing vulnerability, empathy, and support. Reconnecting with a high school crush on an emotional level means opening up, sharing personal experiences, and being there for each other through thick and thin. It can lead to a strong bond built on trust, understanding, and emotional intimacy.

5. None or All of the Above:

Some may prefer not to reconnect with their high school crush, or they may desire a combination of all the levels mentioned above of connection. Everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to honor your feelings and desires when considering reconnecting with a past crush.

Poll Questions:

1. If given the opportunity, which level of connection would you prefer with your high school crush?

a) Platonic

b) Romantic

c) Spiritual

d) Emotional

e) None or All of the Above

2. What factors would influence your choice of connection with your high school crush?

a) Shared interests and values

b) Emotional compatibility

c) Physical attraction

d) Personal growth and fulfillment

e) Other (please specify)

Reconnecting with a high school crush can be an exciting and reflective journey. Whether you choose a platonic friendship, a romantic relationship, a spiritual connection, an emotional bond, or a combination, follow your heart and respect your desires.


Please tell us what you think. Participate in our poll and share your thoughts on the level of connection you would prefer with your high school crush.


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