Author, poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." I could not agree more.
You have to be willing to risk the usual to achieve the extraordinary. Want to be amazing?
Say YES to that thing that keeps you up at night, the goal that scares the crap out of you, the vision you can almost taste.
You already know the outcome of what you've been doing. And that doing more of the same will give you the same effect.

My biggest accomplishments? They were the ones my friends and family had never heard about until they were in the past tense.
When I compare that to all the stuff I blabber on and on about, you know, the things you're going to do, should do, wanna do…well, I barely moved the needle on any of those. At some point, you must decide if it doesn't make you bounce out of bed joyfully, then it's not worth doing!
Yes, there are risks to doing something new. It might not work as you expect, and you may be disappointed.
But the risk is much less than the risk of not trying and the status quo. We all know it's much easier to talk about doing things than doing them.
Your subconscious mind will start developing creative ideas, and you'll attract the right people and situations to reach your goals.
If you can see it, you can achieve it. Visualization helps you achieve anything you want faster. And the more you see it, the more you'll want to get there and not give up. It builds determination and clarity.
Honestly, you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. It all comes down to how determined you are to do it! See it first, and you can achieve it. Move quietly—set goals. Determine your destination.
What amazing thing are you determined to do this week?
Janette Owens is the founder of Be Inspired For Real and owner of Be Inspired For Real LLC. She loves everything inspirational and has spent most of her life inspiring and motivating others through humor, prose, exhortation, and God's love. Janette is the author of A Swan Song, an intimate collection of poems and short stories. Janette lives just outside of Memphis, Tennessee.